Romans 16:19

"I want you to be wise about what is good and innocent about what is evil" Romans 16:19

Monday, September 24, 2012

The Most Expensive Project

Knitters can get very excited over their "stash".  The lure of the yarn seems to call out your name while you are out shopping and if there is a sale..... Look out, yarn must be purchased and thus that beautiful stash grows.  Some might say it grows into a monstrous collection of creative potential.

Knitters can also tend to allow their sweet pieces of already started creativity "hibernate".  Suddenly not only is there a beautiful yarn stash, there is also a den of hibernating projects.

If this beautiful yarn ends up being used it is not a problem but honestly, how much yarn do we have sitting in a stash that will never become something beautiful or even useful?

If we take our pieces of already started creativity out of hibernation, there is no problem, but honestly we usually do not finish these projects for various reasons.

I personally have been going through a process of simplifying my time, my life, my belongings.  I'm hoping to gain some family time, save our budget and declutter our house.

How does this relate to knitting?  Well the most expensive projects are those we have good intentions of doing but no follow through on actually doing it.  All of that yarn sitting in our lovely stash is potentially hundreds of wasted dollars and it is taking up space.

My plan of "discipline" in this is simply to use my project list on Ravelry, I have an app on my phone that allows me to see the projects I want to do and what supplies are needed to accomplish those projects.  When I am faced with a yarn sale I can check my list and buy or not buy accordingly.

The second part of this grand plan is to make myself finish started projects.

Well.... Here's to avoiding the most expensive project syndrome.

Happy Knitting.