Romans 16:19

"I want you to be wise about what is good and innocent about what is evil" Romans 16:19

Thursday, October 4, 2012

The Making of Us

Psalm 139:13
For you created my inner most being, you knit me together in my mothers womb.

I just love that image.

 God did not haphazardly put us together, the image of knitting is powerful for me.  As a knitter, I can tell you it takes time, AND thought, AND desire, AND motivation to knit.

I was thinking about this imagery this week. You see it is our last week in our condo here in Singapore, we board the plane seven days from today to return to our life in the U.S.  This means that this week is full of goodbyes and sorrow as we leave behind the ones we love.

My friend Maureen is one of those people, I'm not sure I would have made it living here in Singapore without her.  I wanted to give her a special gift that truly came from me so I of course, knitted her gift.

As I was knitting this scarf for her I was thinking about how each stitch in this scarf is a bit like the people that come into our lives. They all add to who we are, what makes us up as a person.

 Just as each and every stitch, the knitted and the dropped, make up this scarf, each and every relationship, the hellos and the goodbyes, makes up our lives.

 The colors change, just as our life circumstances change, and yet those changes are the very things that give the scarf and our lives depth and richness.

 Its the new knitted stitches as well as the old, the new friends as well as the old friends, that hold those rows of dropped stitches, those moments of loss, in place.

The knit stitch, the people we interact with, give the support needed to have a whole garment, a whole person at the end of the journey.

  The drop stitch adds depth and beauty.

  Friendships are never a waste of time, even if we only can see that person for a limited time, as those relationships are what knit the fabric of our lives.  They make us who we are.

It is the drops and the change that brings about beauty.

Happy Knitting!