Romans 16:19

"I want you to be wise about what is good and innocent about what is evil" Romans 16:19

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Advent Calendar Scarf 2012

I'm not one to join groups it  is just not in my genes.  I am finding that I enjoy browsing Ravelry and one group in particular has peeked my interest. 

"Scary Lace" is an on line knitting group that knits lacy projects together.  I first found them when I was knitting my Silk Shawl, I was looking for comments on the pattern and came across this group which happened to be knitting this shawl together.  It was very helpful to me to read the comments of the fellow knitters and it encouraged me to FINISH the project.

I recently finished knitting a Tea Party top for a Christmas gift and was looking for a new project to start.

Upon investigating my "Scary Lace" group I learned about the 2012 Advent Scarf.  Starting December 1 a new section of the scarf is released every day for 25 days.  It does make knitting it a bit of a mystery.  Having no idea how it will turn out it is also a risk to knit but I decided that it would be a fun thing to add to my already overflowing schedule.

The good thing is I'm not an "in the box" kind of person so I am under no pressure to complete this scarf by Dec 25th, although I must admit it is tempting to challenge myself to do so.

I found some beautiful yarn at my LYS and some Turbo lace knitting needles, whoa, they are worth the money as the points are nice and sharp eliminating the risk of splitting the lace weight yarn.

The yarn is 50% Silk and 50% Cashmere making it very soft and fabulous to knit with.  This pattern also calls for beads, I chose a silver lined clear bead to add a little p-zaz without taking away from the beauty of the stitch patterns in the scarf.

Of course not every bead shows up in the picture but trust me, they work with this yarn.  Here is the link to the pattern for the advent scarf.  I think you will like it if you try it.  If you are a new knitter it may be a bit challenging but why not go for it.

Happy Knitting!