Romans 16:19

"I want you to be wise about what is good and innocent about what is evil" Romans 16:19

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Knitting Methods

I think there are as many different knitting methods as there are knitters.  I remember when I was first starting to really knit I got frustrated at a small error in my stitch composition.  A friend who had been knitting a little longer than I said....

 "oh don't worry about that, knitting is an individual activity and those small things in your stitching is what makes your work unique."

I recently have been knitting up a lacy cowl, and I was questioning why some knitters lace have big holes and some knitters lace has small holes.  Intriguing really, so I was off to try and find out the answer.

I knit "Continental style" so I decided to watch videos on line of Continental style knitting and I discovered that I was making my stitch differently than those in the video.

When I took the stitch off the left needle with my right needle I wrapped the yarn from the back to the front of the needle clockwise. In the video they wrapped the yarn counter clockwise. 

As I examined my work I saw that by going clockwise I was putting a little twist in each stitch therefore decreasing the size of my hole in my lace work.

I have since been wrapping my yarn counter clockwise however I have knitted for a couple of decades now using the clockwise wrap and the garments turn out beautiful.

This really can equate to us as individuals just as each hand knit item is unique, each knitter is unique, there is not a right or wrong way really just "your way".  I encourage you to explore the world of knitting methods you may discover something exciting that you can incorporate into your work.

Whatever you do just knit!  Enjoy it, it is an expression of who you are.