Romans 16:19

"I want you to be wise about what is good and innocent about what is evil" Romans 16:19

Friday, December 27, 2013

Scrap Cap

As 2013  comes to an end I am determined to get a grasp on my knitting supplies and unfinished projects.

You know how this goes, we see a lovely yarn and buy it hoping we have have enough for a future project.  These beautiful yarn purchases can add up.  I hope to be very resourceful this next year and use all of those beautiful yarns to create fun, amazing, beautiful items.

As I was cleaning out a scrap basket I came across little bits of Manos Del Uruguay yarn that was left from the Manos Four Season Throw I made five years ago. 

 Manos is by no means a cheap yarn, I just could not throw it all away.

I spent Christmas Day knitting up This scrap cap. A perfect projects for all those bits of wool.

Happy Knitting!