Romans 16:19

"I want you to be wise about what is good and innocent about what is evil" Romans 16:19

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Spinners Itch

It's nothing like swimmers itch, spinners itch, but after being away from my wheel for two years my fingers are itching to spin some wool.

I could not ship my Kromski Minstrel wheel to Singapore with us and so here it sat lonely and unproductive for two solid years.  I'm thinking I will need to save up for a spinning stool as my chair method isn't quite up to par.

These last three weeks have been very busy for my family as we are settling back into home and life in the U.S.  I was able to stop into my LYS and pick up some lovely alpaca yarn and supplies to knit a slouch hat and have since decided to knit a few of these up for gifts.

I have yet to sit at my wheel though.  Maybe this weekend as the "spinners itch" is getting worse as time marches on.

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