Romans 16:19

"I want you to be wise about what is good and innocent about what is evil" Romans 16:19

Saturday, August 11, 2012

The Wool Shed ~ Cairns Australia

My family is vacationing in Australia right now.  It is a really beautiful and friendly country.  Of course as a knitter I was hoping to find some wool in the form of both roving and already spun yarn after all Australia is known for its wool ....right?

Well I am learning that it is not so easy to find this wool as was the case in New Zealand.  Granted we have only been to Sydney and Cairns and these two cities are no necessarily known for their wool but I was still hoping.

I did find the wonderful sheep skin wool lined boots that are now very popular world wide and I must say I got a great deal on my new UGG boots.

This brings me to today.  My husband and boys went jet skiing out of Marlin Harbor, being that I don't really care to go into "shark infested water" I hung back to explore Cairns.

While walking down the street I looked up and at the very top of a building saw a big sign that said "The Wool Shed".  The excitement set in and my pace quickened towards this potential jack pot of wool and yarn.  Yes the moment I've been waiting for.....or not.

As it turns out The Wool Shed is a tavern!  Ahhh bum, such disappointment.  We have but one day left here in Cairns then we head back to Sydney, the hunt continues for some awesome wool.

I did happen to find some great red coral jewelry today so it was a successful day despite the lack of wool at The Wool Shed.

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