Romans 16:19

"I want you to be wise about what is good and innocent about what is evil" Romans 16:19

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Hitting the Knitting Wall

It happens to runners, I don't know from personal experience as I do not run but I am told that you hit a wall.  One is running along, everything is going great and then..... they just simply feel like they can not run another step.

Hitting a wall in knitting is a common problem for me.  I start my project by picking the pattern and inevitably excitement sets in. I gather my supplies as quickly as possible.  This supply gathering usually involves a trip to the fiber shop for some great yarn.

 The excitement builds.

With pattern in hand I can not wait to cast on the stitches and start knitting.  I typically will knit and knit and knit that first day.

This excitement for the project continues until I am about three quarters of the way done with my project and then.........

The wall.....

I don't really want to knit, maybe it is getting to be mundane or I want that excitement again so I start looking towards a new project. 

I am guilty of having several projects "hibernating" at any given time.

Recently I have really been focusing on simplifying my  life and in the area of knitting this has meant that if I am going to start the project I MUST finish it before starting a new one.

I find that as I push through "the wall" that initial excitement although not as strong starts to come back.  It takes discipline for me to finish the project but in the end I am glad that I did.

This "Dinner in the Eiffel Tower" shawl was definitely a wall hitting project.

 I really like the pattern, it was not difficult but I just got tired of knitting it. 

The decision was made, I pressed on through that hitting of the knitting wall and now I am very pleased with the finished project.

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