Romans 16:19

"I want you to be wise about what is good and innocent about what is evil" Romans 16:19

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Singapore Yarn~ The Golden Dragon

Singapore continues to amaze me.  We have lived on the "Little Red Dot" for two years now and I find that there are pockets of surprises, you just need to know where to look.

The Golden Dragon is located in the heart of China Town on Upper Cross Street at the Peoples Park Centre store front #02-51.  Going to The Golden Dragon is a very "local" experience and I love it.
There are little pockets of chairs set up in the store where you will find knitters knitting away and talking.
This guy moved his knitting chair out of the ladies corner and planted himself right across from the "yarn wall."
Yes the "yarn wall" a very long wall, this picture is taken about mid wall so it is twice this long with floor to ceiling yarn.  GOOD yarn.  We found some 100% silk yarn for my next project today for a really decent price.
The problem..... the labels are all in Mandarin characters so I had to ask an employee to help me with reading the labels in order to figure out what material they yarn was made from, they had a silk cashmere blend that was just lovely but yikes was it expensive and rightfully so.

 Today there were several ladies working in the store that spoke English, the last time I went to Golden Dragon that was not the case so be prepared to stay awhile so you can communicate if need be.

There are all types of yarn and if you don't see enough on the shelf be sure to ask, I needed six skeins and there were only four on the shelf but they have a big storage room where they keep supply so they had enough.
The Golden Dragon also carries a huge selection of knitting needles, crochet hooks, and fiber art supplies.  There are some fun items in here wool roving for felting or hand spindle spinning.  I needed 8mm beads for my project, no problem, they are on the "bead wall."  I was surprised at the variety of supplies and the knowledge of the staff.
There is an on site knitting instructor who spoke both Mandarin and English.  She has her own station and is there to help you fix mistakes, read your pattern, pick out supplies etc.... all free of charge.  I was the only "Westerner" in the store and I did get a few stares but no worries, these ladies also gave me some great smiles as they are serious about their knitting.
After about 45 minutes I left with a big bag of supplies and am ready to tackle my next project.

If you are in Singapore and do any kind of fiber art, you must make your way down to China Town and go to The Golden Dragon.  You will be glad you did, besides they have cute pictures on their bags.

Happy Knitting.

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