Romans 16:19

"I want you to be wise about what is good and innocent about what is evil" Romans 16:19

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

One Stitch At A Time

As our family is getting ready to end our adventure of a two year assignment in Singapore I am looking to start a new blog.   Our Singapore blog  will soon be coming to an end but our lives continue on. 

Knitting has been a part of me since childhood.  Actually I should sayI have been  knitting and crocheting since childhood.  I would spend long hours working the fiber into something fun and useful. 

In recent years I have gotten into spinning, what a joy to draft that fiber and watch it spin into beautiful yarn.  I love my Kromski spinning wheel and of course my on the go drop spindle. 

We traveled to New Zealand last year and while there were a lot of sheep

 I did not find a lot of fiber.  We did come across the Ashley store just outside of Christ Church where I scored a small amount of yarn and fiber.  If we had the luggage space I would have gotten more.

  Next month we are off to Australia before moving back to the states.  I do hope to find some great fiber in the land down under.

In the mean time knitting has been my hobby.  Living in Singapore is not always easy and we frequently say "one day at a time."

  We know that at the end of our adventure we will look back on the wonderful opportunity and be grateful we went through the hard times.  It is those hard times that God uses to mold us.... to create in us a reflection of His beauty.

Just as it is with knitting, one stitch at a time and suddenly after all that time, all the rows we may have to rip out and repeat..... there is something beautiful and useful at the end. 

As I look ahead to the next three months we will be making the transition back to the U.S.A.  one day at a time, one stitch at a time and good will come.

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