Romans 16:19

"I want you to be wise about what is good and innocent about what is evil" Romans 16:19

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Just Rip It Out!

I just started knitting this Dinner In The Eiffel Tower Shawl.  I am pretty excited about it as I have been looking for a shawl that I could use for both formal and casual, day and night.

It took me forever to pick my yarn.  Living in Singapore I do not have near the choices I would have back in the U.S.A.  but I am grateful that Spotlight does have natural fiber yarn from Australia so I picked a nice merino in a silver/ lavender color.

The pattern is in sections, section one went without a hitch.  It is always nice to have the right number of stitches at the end of a section.

Section two on the other hand was not right, the rows kept ending wrong.  I was thinking did she miss something in this pattern?  I went over and over my work trying to figure out my error. 

After knitting all of section two I read the first line for section three that said I should still have 69 stitches!

 Uh-oh ~ I had way over 80? 

After much investigation I realized that I was not doing the p2tog tbl stitch correctly.  I was holding my yarn in the back and not in the front this was adding an extra stitch each time I made that error.

 I still can't figure my thinking on that, I have been knitting for well over 20 years I know pural stitch means yarn in front if you knit continental style that is.

OK so this is what we do when we knit, make errors, evaluate, rip it all out and start over again.  There is no harm in starting over esp. if we have learned in the process.

I am happy to report that I am now through section two and have done it properly.  Now onto section three..... beginning with 69 stitches.

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